mardi 4 novembre 2008

November 4th

This is history.
Is it really ?
I think it is…

I wouldn’t say I’m an American-elections-debates-addict, but I’m interested, really interested. I wouldn’t wear that ‘Obama is my homeboy’ t-shirt seen the other day down the street here in Geneva, but I believe that these days are history.
So many people don’t understand the necessity of studying history, at least having the absolute minimum knowledge of the past, to understand the present and foresee the future. Especially in a world where human beings are the only animals that endlessly repeat the same errors. History is not only about old kings and castles, about wars and peace treaties, about annoying battles and uncountable dead and injuries. History is any event that happens today that will have an impact on tomorrow.

I think that today is history.

Considered as one (if not the) of the most ‘important’ countries in the world, the United States of America influence more or less the entire world.

Trust it or not, the world holds its breath today.

No matter who will be elected. No matter ? Not exactly, because that particular person plays a major role, of course. But his first duty will be the reconstruction of a devastated country, economically, diplomatically, on the environmental and, moreover, social side. He will be responsible, during the next 4 or 8 years, for regaining the trust of the small and big investors, of the families that have their son in Iraq, of the powerful economic lobbies as well as the working poor. He will have to represent the US, as miscellaneous as they are, rich and poor, black and white, CEO or illiterate. On the other side, he will have to look after the diplomatic relations that have dramatically worsen during the Bush-era and rebuild the trust, respect and honest and straightforward collaboration with other nations, friendly or not. It is a duty, an obligation, not a choice. Though depending on the will, courage and cleverness of the leader. The future president of the United States carries on the heritage of 300 years of history of fight for freedom, rights and equality. Often identifying themselves with these values, it is now time to be up to them.

After a campaign based on words and promises, where courageous commitments had to be balanced with reasonable statements in order to keep the votes of all wings of their party and, if possible, of the other side. In a campaign where every word you said, the hands you shook, the people you believe in and quoted, were analyzed. Where every faux pas could have jeopardized all of your previous efforts. Discrepancies between speeches and actions have to vanish - Time has come now for achievement.

Are the Americans really ready for a change ? Do they want it ? Will they bet on an audacious choice ? Would it really bring any change ?

We won’t know tomorrow. Neither by January nor 2012. The answer will probably be in our grandchildren’s history books.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Un joli résumé, et en anglais qui plus est ! Quelle classe.

On peut à nouveau respirer tranquillement, les Américains n'ont pas suivi McCain le va-t-en guerre et ont sans aucune retenue voté pour le premier président métis des états unis qui va se retrouver au pouvoir avec si j'ai bien compris la majorité démocrate au sénat.
Je ne sais pas trop ce que va donner Obama dans cette situation plus que délicate mais une chose est sure, je ne veux pas savoir ce qui serait arrivé avec McCain au pouvoir. :)

Ptinin a dit…

Je ne te le fais pas dire, ami Tang!
J'ai passé la nuit devant CNN est bien que j'y croyais, j'ai été tendue jusqu'au bout et soulagée du résultat...
Contrairement à Bush il y a 8 ans, Obama récupère un pays en bien mauvais état et les attentes sont énormes! Je le plains d'avoir à affronter les tâches compliquées qui l'attendent, mais il ne pourra qu'améliorer la situation!
Je pense qu'en quelques minutes, l'avis de centaines de milliers d'anti-Américains vient de basculer, de haine et incompréhension à espoir...
Alors let's see what the futur brings!!!!!